Dominic Thiem: “It will be a very close tie”

GUIMARÃES – In an interview to Ténis Portugal after the draw ceremony that took place at the Salão Nobre of Guimarães City Hall, Dominic Thiem confessed he expects a tough tie against the Portuguese national team and made an analysis of the court built in the pavilion of Vitória Sport Clube.

“It’s a very good stadium and the court is also great. The conditions are different from the ones I come from, because it’s an indoor hardcourt, but I’m very excited to start playing tomorrow”, began by saying the young Austrian tennis player, already ranked #14 in the world.

Regarding the singles matches he will face, Thiem says he expects “a very balanced tie. João is a very good player, capable to beat anyone. Against Gastão I played a couple of weeks ago in Buenos Aires and it was a very balanced match in which I had to save a match point.”

The Austrian player arrived Wednesday afternoon in Portugal and already had two practice sessions, including one this Thursday morning, shortly after the last practice of Gastão Elias and Pedro Sousa.

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